A sexual pervert now enjoys taking nude pictures underwater, and many of his clients are not aware of his past. This man Shane Baker is rotten to the core masking under photographer. His crime records don’t lie. He now derives joy in underwater and nude photos to satisfy his fetish desires. Here are some of […]
Category Archives: Negative Review
Justin Shane Baker who runs shanebakerstudios.com is a fraudster, sociopath, and pedophile who hides under photography to continue his rotten lifestyle.
Justin Shane Baker who now goes by the name Shane Baker and runs a photography studio called shanebakerstudios is a serial sexual offender. The evidence is below which can be fact-checked. He recently molested a 10-year-old girl, he has been in the guise of a photographer to perpetuate his sexual fantasies.
ShaneBakerStudios.com run by the scumbag Shane Baker has been taking advantage of his clients. He takes deposits without completing the work, has a series of offenses on his head, and can never change. Below are some of what his clients have to say about him on Yelp and Google: Shanti Rose, Phoenix, AZ I own […]